Get more out
of your flight
with SkyFive
Air-To-Ground A2G Technology
At SKYFive Arabia, our objective is to provide a real broadband connection to every aircraft of the fleet, including regional jets and turboprops; in even the densest airspaces; from gate to gate, all at data rates that encourage consumption instead of penalizing it.
welcome to the Gigabit age in aviation ! at SKYFive Arabia, we believe that it is time for airlines to take the next step in their digitization journey and bring real broadband connectivity to every aircraft.
Connecting the Skies….
Quality Wi-Fi for everyone
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Keep passengers always connected can improve the travel experience at large. fast wifi onboard for aircraft is a unique service differentiator and loyalty driver, both for leisure and business travelers.
– Fast onboard Wifi
– Digital inflight engagement
– Connected Cabin Crew
-VIP treatment